Dental Implants Restore Your Smile

Is your smile missing something? If you have lost teeth to periodontal disease, accident, or injury,  Dr. Michael Young can restore your smile with Zimmer dental implants. What are implants? Implants are the only dental prosthetic that can replace missing teeth from root to crown. They are artificial teeth roots, surgically placed into the empty…

Jaw Pain? You May Have TMD.

TMJ disorder, or TMD, can be painful, and it can slowly destroy your teeth. November is TMJ Awareness Month, so now is a great time to learn about the symptoms and treatments of TMJ disorder. Do you have TMJ disorder? Your temporomandibular joints connect your jaw to the temporal bone of your skull. The joints…

Pack Your Dental Travel Kit

With the holidays quickly approaching, you may be starting to prepare travel plans. No matter how busy you are or where you go, you should never neglect your oral health. If you’re like most people, you’ve forgotten your toothbrush more than once. To end that habit, keep a small dental travel kit packed and in…