Hanukkah’s traditional treats are gold coins of chocolate. Christmas has cookies, candy canes, fudge, sugar plums, figgy pudding, and on and on. With all of this sugar around, how is it possible to keep your smile safe and healthy during the holiday season? Our team in Lafayette, LA has made a list of three tips that can help you keep your own and your family’s smiles healthy this season. It’s also important to remember that 2018 is almost over; be sure to use this year’s dental insurance benefits while you can.
#1: Balance the Sweets
The long list of sweets detailed above is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to seasonal sweets. With all this deliciousness around us, it can be easy to overindulge. One word that can help is “moderation.” Completely cutting yourself off from sweet treats is no fun. Complete deprivation is also more likely to lead to a binge than if you just allow yourself a little bit of sweet stuff. The trick is to balance it with healthy options. If you are drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows, maybe skip the chocolate fudge. If you are eating Santa’s cookies, try snacking on the reindeer’s raw veggies, too.
#2: Keep It Clean
Keeping your smile clean is always essential to your oral health. It is especially important during times when you may be loading it up with sugar and carbohydrates (both of which are feasts for harmful oral bacteria). No matter how busy you are during the holidays, make the time to brush and floss your teeth.
#3: Teeth Are Not (Un)Wrapping Tools
When you are wrapping presents (or unwrapping them), it can be tempting to use your teeth as tools. You might bite off a piece of ribbon or use your teeth to hold your scissors. It is important to remember that your teeth are only meant for biting and chewing food. Using them otherwise can lead to damage.
There is still time for a pre-Christmas checkup
Help keep your smile bright and healthy during the holidays. To schedule a consultation, call the office of Michael J. Young, DDS, in Lafayette, LA, today at 337-237-6453. We proudly serve patients from Breaux Bridge, Broussard, Scott, Youngsville, and surrounding communities