Downtown Art Walk in Lafayette

On the second Saturday of the month, the next time being July 12, 2014, the Art Walk will take place in the Downtown Lafayette Cultural District. It is a fun and enjoyable evening filled with local color, great art, and live music. The Downtown Cultural Arts District continues to evolve and to grow into a…

Symmetry in Smiling

You probably don’t need a professional opinion to tell you that straightening crooked teeth can significantly improve your smile’s appearance. Still, as an adult, you might be hesitant about wearing metal braces, especially if your image and confidence are an important part of your professional life. Unfortunately, vanity doesn’t change the fact that, without proper…

Fun and Fascinating Friday Dental Facts

We try to give you plenty of information about important topics in dentistry each week. Dentistry doesn’t always have to be serious, however. To lighten things up, enjoy some interesting (and sometimes amusing) dental facts, such as this: chocolate (of the dark variety and in moderation) is not only good for your heart, but also…