Want to Fight Gum Disease? There’s a Tea for That

For over 4,000 years, green tea has been a staple of Asian culture. Ancient Chinese and Japanese civilizations believed drinking the liquid could cure diseases and heal wounds. In modern times, green tea’s popularity has drastically risen in Western culture, and research is establishing the beverage’s health benefits, including weight loss, heart health, and cancer…

Could Your Jaw Ache Be TMJ-Related?

Discomfort in your temporomandibular joints, or TMJ disorder, can be excruciating. The joints connect your lower jaw (mandible) to the temple area on either side of your skull (temporal bone). Along with the muscles that surround them, the joints are responsible for allowing your jaw’s diverse range of movements. Several factors are associated with TMJ…

Fast Food and Your Teeth

In today’s hectic society, finding time to sit and eat a home-cooked meal three times a day can be difficult. You may be too rushed to eat breakfast before you fly out the door on your way to work. Stopping at a fast-food restaurant for a quick breakfast may seem like a good idea when…