Defending Your Smile Against Gum Disease

Gum disease is incredibly common disease. For adult Americans over the age of 40, the majority of them are affected by gum disease. Despite being so common, many people are still unsure how to defend against gum disease and why it is so important to do so. While the earliest stage, known as gingivitis, can…

Surprising Consequences Of Tooth Loss

When you lose a tooth as a child, it often came with a friendly visit from the Tooth Fairy. Unfortunately, losing any teeth as an adult is usually much less fun. Losing a tooth in adulthood can happen for several reasons that can include severe damage or decay, gum disease, injury, or overcrowding. If a…

Flossing For Your Smile’s Health

A lot of people joke about their flossing habits or their lack thereof. Maybe you already floss regularly or maybe you used to floss daily, but the habit didn’t stick. Maybe you never learned the importance of flossing and therefore never even started the habit in the first place. Flossing is just as important as…