Dental Fillings: A Brief Background

For over 150 years, silver amalgam restorations have been filling cavities in teeth. For a long time, amalgam was the only option for filling teeth. These days, composite resin fillings allow a more cosmetic approach to treating dental cavities.  However, some people look beyond aesthetics, and have concerns about the impact on environment and health…

Lafayette Dentist Quizzes You on Gums

Gums don’t always have a place in people’s perception of your appearance. You may not even give your own gum tissues a second thought, unless you have too much or too little. Gingival tissues (i.e. your gums) are one of the major components which make up the anatomy of your mouth. Periodontal disease is one of the…

Post Tooth Extraction Tips

There are many different types of dental surgeries. Some are simple, and others are a bit more invasive and challenging. Tooth extractions are usually one of the easier procedures. Generally necessary when one of your teeth is impacted, injured, or damaged beyond repair by infection, extractions may require little more than a local anesthetic. Extractions are also…

A Spicy Fourth of July

Are you the type to celebrate holidays with lots of spicy foods to stimulate your taste buds? Hot chili peppers can add a little extra flavor and kick to any meal. Fiery spices have some benefits to your body, but you should beware of dangers to your smile, including burning mouth syndrome. Before you set…