Keeping a Strong Sense of Taste in Lafayette

Taste is the weakest of the five senses, but it’s responsible for distinguishing between sour lemons, sweet chocolate, and salty popcorn. Keeping your mouth healthy will keep your sense of taste strong, but other conditions can impair your taste. Dr. Young can help clean your mouth so you can enjoy your favorite flavors. How You…

A Straighter Smile in an Instant

When your Lafayette dentist tells you that would benefit from orthodontic treatment, you may suddenly fear metal wires or clear aligners that take months to shift your teeth into their proper positions. If you want a straighter smile quickly, Dr. Young may suggest a treatment known as “instant orthodontics.” Veneers, bonding, LUMINEERS, and crowns can…

Safe Alcohol Consumption in Lafayette

Drinking alcohol decreases your mental focus and concentration, but it also destroys your dental health. Alcohol contributes to enamel erosion, tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth, and oral cancer. In honor of Alcohol Awareness Month, Dr. Young offers these tips to keep your mouth healthy when consuming alcohol. Designated Hygienist You may be too tired…

Meeting Your Lafayette Dentist

Dr. Michael Young is dedicated to forming relationships with each of his patients. At our Lafayette dentist office, our team will take time to meet with your family and discuss your needs and desires so we can build a bond based on trust and understanding. In return, we would like you to get to know…

Healthy Easter Baskets in Lafayette

Many children hope to find jelly beans, marshmallow Peeps, and chocolate eggs hidden at the bottom of their Easter baskets. These sweet treats are often sugary and sticky, contributing to tooth decay. Instead of promoting cavities this Easter, Dr. Young offers a few ideas to create healthy Easter baskets. Tooth-Friendly Easter Treats Easter baskets and…

Proper Toothbrush Care

You probably already know that brushing your teeth twice a day is very important to keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, brushing won’t be very effective if your toothbrush is not in good shape. Dr. Young can make sure your toothbrush care and brushing habits are protecting your smile. Let’s see how much you…

Cosmetic Dental Truths

Before you whiten your smile, you need to understand some of the common misconceptions about cosmetic dental care. Dr. Young can help explain those confusing dental myths to keep your smile bright. Here are a few tips you should consider before enhancing your teeth. Not all tooth stains react the same way. Yellow discoloration is…

How Caffeine Affects Your Oral and Overall Health

Caffeine is a stimulant that physically or mentally boosts your body for a few hours. To celebrate Caffeine Awareness Month, let’s discuss how this energizer affects your overall health. Caffeinated Drinks Affect Your Teeth Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks. All of these dark-colored beverages have the potential to stain…