Are DIY Natural Products Safe For My Teeth?

With the popularity of Etsy, Pinterest, endless blogs, and even DIY shows on television, inspiration for do-it-yourself natural beauty products, cleaning supplies, and more are endless. When it comes to your smile, you may think that anything natural is safe for your teeth. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Today, let’s sort through the solutions…

I Want To Close The Gap In My Smile

A gap, which is also known as diastema, can happen between your two front teeth. Extra spacing, however, can occur between any two teeth in your smile. Some people find that a gap makes their smile unique, but there are times when people begin to feel self-conscious about the way their smile looks. Wide, uneven spacing…

Can I Remove The Stains From My Teeth?

It can be easy to believe that dull yellow teeth are simply the result of stains on the outer layer of your teeth. However, tooth discoloration can come in two types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Understanding the difference between these two types of tooth stain can help you better understand how to achieve the brighter smile…

Can I Change How My Gums Look?

The appearance of your smile is not just affected by the appearance of your teeth. Gum tissue that is disproportionately larger than your teeth can make your teeth look small and result in what is commonly known as a “gummy smile.” Even if the gum tissue is proportionate to your teeth, there can be issues…

Brighter Smiles For Wedding Season

Spring is nearly over and summer is upon us, which means that we are in a very busy wedding season. Whether you have your own wedding coming up, somebody else’s big day, or if you have another big life moment altogether, you want to look your sharpest. Brightening your smile with cosmetic dentistry can be a way…