When you bring up receiving porcelain veneers to your dentist, you may be optimistic about the outcome, but unsure of exactly what to expect. Before you receive your veneers, your dentist needs to determine the exact measurements of your teeth, to have a custom set prepared for you. This, along with any preparatory work on your teeth to accommodate veneers, will take place during your first visit. After your veneers are constructed, you will return to have them bonded to your teeth. Once placed, you can count on veneers to make prominent, effectively permanent cosmetic dental improvements, while allowing your smile to retain a natural look.
1. Durability And Longevity
Veneers are a long-term answer to cosmetic problems affecting your smile. While the shells themselves are thin, the porcelain material they are constructed from make them impressively tough. Your veneers will stay attached for many years, and can retain their appearance even in the face of daily wear and tear. That being said, exercising care and caution will help you better ensure their preservation.
2. Corrections For Multiple Issues That Currently Affect How Your Smile Looks
Veneers completely cover the front of teeth. In doing so, they can hide issues with their shape, their color, and with visible signs of damage.
3. A Familiar Daily Oral Care Process
If you expect the placement of porcelain veneers to force a drastic change to your daily oral care regiment, you can be relieved to learn this is not the case. Your dentist can recommend a non-abrasive toothpaste for you, but your responsibilities for brushing and flossing will not be altered. You should be cautious about dark liquids, and curb any habit of biting or chewing on hard substances like ice, or pens.
Discussing Porcelain Veneers With Dr. Young
Are you looking for a way to correct frustrating flaws that impair your smile? Discuss porcelain veneers with Michael J. Young, DDS! You can find an answer to your esthetic problems, and show off a big improvement in how you look thanks to a single procedure. Our office provides care for patients from Breaux Bridge, Broussard, Scott, Youngsville, and surrounding communities. To learn more, contact us today at our Lafayette, LA, dentist’s office at 337-237-6453.