Our Lafayette dental office provides several options for replacing missing teeth. Addressing tooth loss is important for a number of reasons, from cosmetic enhancement, to restoring tooth function and preventing dental issues. Your Lafayette dentist, Dr. Michael Young, will explain some of the benefits of a particular tooth replacement method, dental bridges, as well as answer some common questions.
What are dental bridges?
Like a structural bridge, dental bridges rely on two points for the foundation of the bridgework. These points are two porcelain crowns attached to the teeth surrounding the void, called abutment teeth. With the dental crowns covering the entire exposed portion of the abutment teeth, the artificial tooth can be bonded between the two crowns. The artificial tooth sits in the gap left behind form the missing tooth, hovering just slightly above the gum line.
What are the benefits of a dental bridge?
Aside from replacing tooth function, dental bridges can also improve your smile. These dental restorations fill in for missing teeth, allowing you to smile with confidence, instead of hiding a gapped-tooth smile. Adding to the cosmetic appeal, dental bridges are made from realistic-looking porcelain, color-matched and shaped to fit your smile seamlessly.
Dental bridges can also prevent teeth drifting, a common problem with missing teeth. These dental restorations prevent the oral health problems that can accumulate as a result of tooth loss. You will not have to worry about other excessive tooth wear or even further tooth loss because of too much pressure on your remaining teeth.
How do I care for a dental bridge?
Maintenance for a dental bridge is only slightly different from caring for your natural teeth. Like your natural teeth, you can brush and floss your dental bridge twice daily. Aside from this, you will need to floss underneath your dental restoration to prevent food from accumulating beneath the bridgework. With interdental brushing, or special flossing techniques, you can keep your dental bridge healthy for years to come.
Dental Bridges in Lafayette
Dr. Michael Young, our Lafayette dentist, encourages you to see if dental bridges are right for your situation. You can visit our Lafayette dental office to find out more information about your tooth replacement options. Schedule your appointment by calling 337-237-6453 or filling out our online appointment request.