Your Family Needs a Good Dentist

You can brush and floss your teeth religiously, and teach your children to do the same, and yet still your dental hygiene may be lacking. A toothbrush and dental floss are essential elements for a clean mouth; but much like your systemic health is at its best when you attend regular physical examinations, smiles require…

Why Does Your Tooth Hurt?

Unlike a headache, a toothache does not typically resolve itself, and although there are numerous reasons for your tooth to hurt, none of these causes are benign. Even if you were able to ignore the often-debilitating pain of a toothache, the underlying cause of it may lead to the loss of your tooth or more…

A Healthy Mouth for a Healthy Heart

If you pride yourself in your smile, then chances are that you brush and floss your teeth every day and attend your six-month dental checkups and cleanings. However, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that your diligent dental care may also benefit your physical wellbeing by helping to keep your heart healthy and disease-free.…

Need to Fix Your Teeth? You Have Options

Last week, we discussed the difference between dental fillings and dental crowns, explaining the dental issues that each addresses. Both can resolve similar problems, but deciding which treatment is the better option determines on the severity of your condition. This is true for any dental issue, and today’s dentistry focuses on offering patients different options,…