Events On The Bayou This Week

This week in Lafayette, LA, and in nearby towns by the bayou, there is plenty to do. There are plenty of events to enjoy while the family’s schedules are a little less busy during the summer time. Another thing to think about during the less-busy summer time is setting an appointment for an exam and…

Why Is A Dental Implant Important?

Your smile is strongest when all of your natural teeth (with the exception of some wisdom teeth) are present. The loss of your permanent adult teeth can take a negative toll against your oral health. Tooth loss can lead to a loss of bone density in your supportive structures, a loss of confidence in your…

Why Does My Tooth Need To Be Extracted?

Getting bad news is never fun. Learning that you need a dental extraction falls into that category of not-fun bad news. However, a very important thing to remember is that your dentist always has your oral health as the top priority. A dental extraction should never be recommended unless absolutely necessary. Keeping your natural teeth…

Upcoming Fun In Lafayette

If you live in or near Lafayette, Louisiana, then you know that the culture is rich, the food is delicious, and there is always fun just around the corner. There are plenty of events coming up this week and next in town. From an Artmosphere Brunch with a hit musician to book clubs, Cajun celebrations,…

I Want To Close The Gap In My Smile

A gap, which is also known as diastema, can happen between your two front teeth. Extra spacing, however, can occur between any two teeth in your smile. Some people find that a gap makes their smile unique, but there are times when people begin to feel self-conscious about the way their smile looks. Wide, uneven spacing…

Are There Signs That I Have TMJ Disorder?

Having chronic pain can make a big difference in your overall lifestyle. TMJ disorder, which is an overall term for dysfunction with your temporomandibular joints (TMJs), can create constant pain in your life.  The TMJs connect your both sides of your lower jaw to your skull and provide movement for your jaw and mouth. Having…