Is It Time To Extract My Wisdom Teeth?

Even though most high schools and colleges in the Lafayette, LA area have started classes (or will be soon), there is still time for students to get oral healthcare. The most common age range for wisdom teeth to emerge is ages 17-22. Some people have absolutely no issues with their wisdom teeth and they join…

Is Medication Affecting Your Smile?

If you take daily medication, it may have effects on your smile that you haven’t considered. Unfortunately, as we get older, the amount of medication we take on a daily basis increases. With some medical issues, younger people also may need to take long-term medication. Whatever the situation is, it is important to know of…

Packing Lunches For Healthy Smiles

Meal prepping is a very in trend right now, which means that many adults and children are eating packed lunches. With school back in session in Lafayette, LA, if you are the prepper of meals in the family or the packer of lunches, you probably want to know some tips for easy, healthy lunches. When…