3 Tips For A Healthy Holiday Smile

Hanukkah’s traditional treats are gold coins of chocolate. Christmas has cookies, candy canes, fudge, sugar plums, figgy pudding, and on and on. With all of this sugar around, how is it possible to keep your smile safe and healthy during the holiday season? Our team in Lafayette, LA has made a list of three tips…

Festive Things To Do In Lafayette

Lafayette, Louisiana is a town with wonderful culture that is alive all year long. It becomes even more beautiful and bustling this time of year with festive holiday events popping up. Whether you want to eat some special holiday food or make some Christmas crafts, there is something for everyone. This time of year is…

Can I Straighten My Teeth At My Age?

Pop culture has lead many of us to believe that orthodontic treatment is only for teenagers. Movies and television shows are filled with adolescents with a mouth full of metal. However, straightening your smile’s alignment can be important at any age. A crooked smile can lead to problems beyond a wonky appearance. Bite misalignment can…

Two Types Of Tooth Discoloration

It is a common belief that all tooth discoloration is the same. The misconception stems a little bit further to assume that all tooth discoloration comes from stains on the outside of the tooth. However, there are different types of tooth discoloration. While one type does come from external factors building up on the outer…