When Snoring Becomes A Problem

It is estimated that 90 million Americans snore. If those people have a bed partner, that is 180 million people not sleeping well. Is everybody walking around tired? If so, that problem can be remedied. Even if snoring is not a problem for you, it can be a problem for your spouse. The noise can…

Are You Destroying Your Teeth?

Teeth are meant to last a lifetime so you might think there is no way to destroy them. They can be knocked out by while playing sports or due to an accident. They can decay. But destroy? Isn’t that awfully dramatic you may wonder? There are ways to destroy your teeth. Methamphetamine use destroys teeth.…

3 Facts about Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common occurrence in children and adults alike. Improper hygiene techniques, and lack of preventive care are main contributors to the necessity of restorative treatments and further dental work. Decay is often painless and can go unnoticed for quite some time. In many cases, it is only detected by X-ray, which is…

What Can I Expect from Clear Braces?

Not looking forward to the idea of a mouth full of metal but you would love to enjoy a straighter smile? Fortunately, we offer clear braces to align your teeth. Though the idea of braces that others cannot detect may sound like an amazing option, you may wonder how this is possible. You may also…

3 Facts About Root Canal Therapy

Saving your teeth is always high on the list of priorities at your dental office, as well as protecting them from disease. Sometimes, improper hygiene techniques can lead to infections or nerve damage deep within the canals of your tooth. When this occurs, the best course of treatment is usually root canal therapy because it…

Your Third Molars

In ancient times humans were bestowed with three sets of molars to accommodate their diet which included roots, bark, seeds, raw vegetables, and large pieces of raw meat. Over the years, the human jaw has become smaller due to a softer diet of cooked foods. As a result many people don’t always have room for…

5 Ways to Brighten Your Teeth

A beautiful smile can help you feel confident and make a great impression. However, over time a variety of factors can lead to stained teeth. What causes discoloration and what can we do to avoid unsightly brown or yellow stains? Today, we’re looking at five ways to brighten your smile.